Bio-well GDV Scan

Before and after scans

Get real time feedback of your treatment


Energy Healing

Energy body scan and instant healing.

Belief Work

Digging for bottom beliefs and downloading new feelings and beliefs.


Looking at blocks preventing manifesting and holding you back.


Connect to anscestors, spirit guides and higher self.

oTrack Your Progress With Personalized Bio-well Scan

Do You Want To See  If Your If You Are Getting Results?

Bio-well GDV technique can give you visual representation of your biofield and chakras.

What Is Bio-Well?


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Before and after report of your biofield

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Visual images of your chakras

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Personal binaural beats audio

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What is Bio-Well GDV Camera

Bio-Well is a revolutionary tool based on Electro-Photonic Imaging or Gas Discharge Visualization technique (Kirlian effect) made specially for express-assessment of the energetic state of a person. Interpretation of the scans is based on Acupuncture points concept, Auyrveda and many scientific and clinical researches made throughout 20 years. It is fast, visual, reliable and easy to use.

Bio-Well has been developed by an international team led by Dr. Konstantin Korotkov and brings the powerful technology known as Gas Discharge Visualization technique to market in a more accessible way than ever before.

Bio-well scan

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The Technology: GDV Technique

GDV Technique is the computer registration and analysis of electro-photonic emissions of different objects, including biological (specifically the human fingers) resulting from placing the object in the high-intensity electromagnetic field on the device lens.

 When a scan is conducted, a weak electrical current is applied to the fingertips for less than a millisecond. The object’s response to this stimulus is the formation of an electronic emission. The electrons emission stimulates gas discharge (glow) that is captured by the video camera and then translated and transmitted back in graphical representations for further analysis.

The image, which we create in Bio-Well instrument, is based on idea of Acupuncture points concept and verified by 20 years of clinical experience by hundreds of practitioners with many thousands of patients. The scanning process is quick, easy and non-intrusive… do it daily for best results! Get real time feedback on what factors – positive and negative – affect your stress and energy state.

How It Works

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1 x Bio-well Scan

One hour Bio-well scans.


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3 x Bio-well Scan

One hour Bio-well scans.


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Please use contact form to request more information or book an appoinment online or via phone call.

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