Theta is the state of mind where it is believed you can create everything and change reality instantly.

There are five main frequency brain waves: Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta, and Gamma. These brain waves are in constant motion, the brain produces consistent waves at all frequencies.

Everything you do or say is regulated by the frequency of brain waves. When we talk to others, for

 example, our mind is in Beta.

The Beta wave has a frequency of 14-28 cycles per second. Beta is the state in which you are active and alert.

In a Alpha state, your brain waves move at a frequency between 7-14 cycles per second. The frequency of Alpha is a mental state of deep relaxation and meditation. Alpha is the bridge between Beta and Theta. Wave Alpha governs daydreams, fantasy, and denotes a state of consciousness detached and relaxed. People who have problems with this frequency will have difficulty in remembering. For example, are you aware of a particular dream or meditation that was very deep, but do not come to mind the details, it means you have not generated sufficient frequency in Alpha. You had no bridge between the subconscious and the conscious mind.

Theta State is a state of very deep relaxation; it is used in hypnosis and during REM Sleep. The brain waves are slowed down at a frequency of 4-7 cycles per second.
For this reason, the People meditate consecutively for hours, in order to achieve this state, in order to have access to the absolute perfect calm.
Theta brain waves can be considered the subconscious; they govern the part of our mind that lies between the conscious and the unconscious and retain memories and feelings. Also direct your beliefs and your behavior.
Theta waves are always creative, characterized by feelings of inspiration and very spiritual.
It is believed that this mental state allows you to act below the level of the conscious mind.

Theta is the first stage of the phase when we dream. To understand this frequency in a simple and comprehensive enough to think about how it feels and what it’s like being on top of a mountain totally absorbed by what’s around you and know that you “know” that God is real, just know that God “is . ” At that moment you are in Theta.
Theta State is a very powerful state. It can be compared to that kind of trance where you can find children when they are playing with video games.
Another example of the Theta state is that of those who walk on hot coals without getting burned.
Delta is the state of mind when you’re in a deep sleep. In Delta brain waves are slowed down to a frequency that varies between 0-4 cycles per second. It is the wave that you use when the phone rings and you already know who’s calling.

The brain wave range is the state in which we find ourselves when we learn and we process information. The wave range stimulates the release of Beta Endorphins.

Gamma waves appear to be involved in higher brain activity, in which are included the perception and consciousness. While you’re in range, your brainwaves range from 40 to 5000 cycles per second.

Vianna believes that when you’re in a state-Gamma Theta you are in a state favorable for instant healing. In the miracle of instant healing, the brain can go to 4 cycles per second to 500 per second. The pace range disappears when a person is under anesthesia. May also be involved in binding sensory inputs into the single object that we perceive. This process is so efficient, that we become aware that just happens. The recordings of neurons in the visual cortex show that synchronization in the band range combines part of the cortex stimulated by the same object and not those solicited from various objects, involving the rhythms range of joining. For example, colors, shapes, movements and the position of an object, are processed in the visual cortex in different ways and these characteristics of the object must be combined into a single entity. This is known as the problem of the union (which might be the reason why people hoard memories floating in an unconscious state) and gamma rhythms are taught to provide the solution.

Scientists have discovered that certain brain wave frequencies (especially the Alpha and Theta) may:

1. Relieve stress and promote a lasting and substantial reduction in people prone to anxiety states.
2. Facilitate a deep physical relaxation and mental clarity
3. Increase verbal ability and also the performance IQ, verbal.
4. Better synchronize the two hemispheres of the brain.
5. Recall mental images live and spontaneous imaginative and creative thinking.
6. Reduce pain, promote euphoria and stimulate the release of endorphins.